Face to Face with Bimpe Onakoya

Face to Face with Bimpe Onakoya
Lagos Fashion Week
Lagos Fashion Week
28 October 2016

There is a lot more to Lagos Fashion and Design Week than all of the beautiful clothes that come down the runway - hair and makeup play an incredibly important role. LFDW's partner brand Maybelline made sure all the models looked runway ready amidst all of the backstage madness

On day 2 of LFDW, we managed to catch Maybelline Nigeria's artistic director and lead LDFW artist, Bimpe Onakoya for a quick chat about this season's beauty looks.

LFDW: How do you decide which looks to go with? Bimpe Onakoya:

We usually follow international trends that we have noticed so far. For instance, this year there is a lot of dewy, glowy skin and during some LFDW shows, we had minimal looks and some heavier looks also.

LFDW: Have you noticed a change in trends from last year to this year?

Bimpe Onakoya: Well every year there are different trends. For a couple of years now it has been stable, maybe a flash of color here or something different. We try to add a bit more to suit individual designers and their clothes. This year, however, we’ve tried to create much less pronounced eyebrows.

LFDW: Is there a common thread that joined all the looks you did?

Bimpe Onakoyae: For every model’s skin for this season, we had a dewy, bronzed foundation. It looks better under the light, and it looks healthy. I think dewy skin looks better because it makes the skin look real and beautiful as if you haven’t done much to it. I’ve been trying to introduce this to the Nigerian beauty industry.

LFDW: Can you predict what beauty trends there will be this season

Bimpe Onakoya: I think we are going to have more colors this season. There have been blue eyes, dark lips, etc

LFDW: How does the average person incorporate these high fashion looks into their everyday looks?

Bimpe Onakoya: In this part of the world it is really hot, so everyone wants to make sure their skin is super matte. I wish people would incorporate lighter looks into their every day because when you look at the models they look good! They look fresh, young, and expensive because of the minimal makeup they have on. I think that as long as people can pull it off, the minimal looks are great!

We are looking forward to Maybelinne’s show, later on, today!

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